I read through Doug Johnson lists and I picked the ones that I felt were important and useful for me as a teacher. From the 7 Stupid Mistakes list I chose #6 Ignore kids intrinsic interest in technology- that would be a huge mistake. Today kids know more than we do about what is out there. Kids today have been raised using technology unlike some of us who are older. Using technology is a great way to motivate them and keep them interested in the classroom. I also chose #7 Technology will go away in schools- big mistake. The use of technology is just beginning in our schools, we haven't even begun to see all the ways it will be used. A teacher who ignores it is doing themselves and their students an injustice.
From the 7 Brilliant Things Teachers Do with Technology I chose #1 Empower kids with technology. Using technology in the classroom is a way give the kids control over what they are learning. Many kids know a lot and having them bring their knowledge to the classroom gives them a feeling that they have a say in what the class is doing. Students can gain a lot of self esteem and become more motivated to achieve if technology is used correctly by the teacher.
I also chose #7 Delight in the discovery, the newness and the fun technology holds
-school needs to be fun sometimes. Why should we expect kids to be motivated to learn if there is no fun in learning? Technology is the answer to that, there are very few kids that don't like computers or trying new things like cameras, cellphones, ipods. Using technology in the classroom to enhance learning and integrating it into the curriculum will make old lessons new and more interesting to the kids.
I also read the New Classroom Rules list and a few I did not get them they seemed more like jokes to me. I did pick a few that I felt were of use and mad sense. I chose #14 Raise your hand if you need help, don't wait for the teacher, get help from your neighbors and post your question to your PLN. I always tell my daughter don't just sit there ask for help if you need it. It is simple but it needs to be emphasized, now there are many ways to find help. The teacher isn't the only one to answer your questions , there are so many resources out there. The last rule that I chose is #15 Know what you are suppose to be learning, why, what you will do with the knowledge. I believe that it is important to know why you are doing something, instead of just doing it because someone told you to. I think that if you explain to your students why something is important and how it is useful to them then they will be more motivated to learn. I believe that the information you are learning has to have meaning for you to actually learn it, otherwise students are just memorizing facts and forgetting them as soon as they take a test.
Great job Ruth.