Saturday, September 12, 2009

What I Think About Michael Wesch's Movie

Image of a cell phone and a laptop
As I watched Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today and it reminded me a lot of the Did You Know ? 3.0. The statements made by the students in the video about the amount of time they spent on the internet and cell phones verses the time they spend studying is not representative of me. I am much older the average college student so I probably have different priorities. When I was college in my 20's I would say that I probably would of been that way, but there were no cell phones and no internet access in the 1980's. I sit in class and watch a lot of students texting in class, they don't seem to be able to focus on class. A lot of college students in my classes act as though their classes are interfering with their socializing because they can't take their eyes of their phones.

Another thing that stuck me in the video was the point made that most professors don't know the names of their students. I can see that happening in a large classroom and this lack of contact makes the college experience more institutional and less meaningful the those involved. The money spent on a college education is so high many students are not taking advantage of what they have, there are so many people in the world who do not have these kinds of opportunities.
I feel that the movie represents me in my 20's, I can see myself getting caught up in the cell phones and internet at that age. At age 43 I do not have to check my e-mail everyday, I a not into texting or chatting on the internet. I do get on the internet everyday to do my school assignments. I have a Facebook account but I rarely check it, i don't feel that need to everyday or even weekly.

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