Sunday, October 11, 2009

Comments4Kids Post

a piece of loose leaf paper with a doodle of I big red heart blogging written
I looked at Mr Goerend's Classroom Blogs and he has some very creative students in his class. I read through the blogs and I commented on 6 posts. The first one I commented on was Brandon who wrote about having a National holiday to burp. I let him know that I was not a fan of burping but I give him credit for being original. Brett blogged about having an international holiday called Sumo Wrestler Day. Everyone walks around like a sumo wrestler, they put extra food in their bellybuttons when they are done eating. In my comment to Brett I told him that this too was very original and there are quite a few people who walk around like sumo wrestlers without trying to.

Matt blogged about a holiday that fits with Halloween, Laugh Like A Witch Day. He said that everyone is supposed to let out high pitched screeching laughs all day. I asked him if men are suppose to screech with a high pitch like a woman or do men screech differently. Emma blogged about a holiday I just had to comment on, National Spitting Day, everyone spits no matter where they are. Emma said in her blog that it is permitted to spit inside buildings it didn't matter where. In my comment to Emma I expressed that I would not like to participate or witness this holiday first hand. One of my favorite blogs was by Anna who blogged about National Act Like A Mime Day.One Act Like A Mime Day everyone must act everything and not talk, I told Anna in my comment to her that this is very creative and not an easy to do. It takes a lot of creativity to come up with ways to express what you want to say instead of talking. I commented on one more blog that didn't have a name on it. The blog was titled "How Embarrassment Turned Into An International Holiday." In this blog the author blogged that everyone must sprint instead of walk where they are going. I commented that this is a holiday that you have to train for because it will be hard to sprint for a whole day.I really got a lot of laughs from these blogs, Mr Goerend's students are very creative and have a lot of imagination.

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