Friday, October 9, 2009

Media Literacies Comments

cartoon picture of a man typing on a computer
I really liked New Media Literacies video it was to the point and it moved very fast. The video talked about all the things that a person living in our fast paced society needs to survive and to be a productive contributing member of society. the New Media Skills covered in the video that I agree with are;play, judgement, negotiation, appropriation, visualization trans media navigation and multitasking. The other ones I didn't really get a grasp of when I watched the video. I truly believe that using judgement and negotiating is something everyone need to be skillful at in order to get along and be harmonious. If we are going to share ideas and thoughts on the Internet we must be able to judge what we see and be able to negotiate with others to come to an understanding. I think all of these skills are necessary to be effective, multitasking is expected in all work environments.

A point that I found interesting is the idea that for years Media Literacy was controlled by a small group of producers. That is not the case anymore, we are all producers now thanks to the Internet.If you blog and post videos or anything else that can be viewed by others you are a producer. Trans media navigation is also important for today's world we all have to be able to find our way around the technology world or we will be left out. As a prospective teacher it is important for me to play and experience and experiment in order for me to learn. I believe that it is important for me to give my students the opportunity to play in order for them to learn so I must give them the time and opportunity so they will be able to be productive citizen.

I found a website called Project New Media Literacies that explains why it is important to be media literate and culturally literate. One the site it talked about MIT's research based initiative to research how to equip our youth with social skills and cultural competencies so that they will be able to participate in our growing media world. It also talked about how important it is today to bring awareness to the public about how important it is to be globally connected in a multicultural world.

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